Im Gewächshaus/in the green house |
Hochzeitstuch/marriages |
Im Rahmen bleiben?Remain in the frame? |
i nonni di Alessandro |
Csalàdi kötelèkek/Familiy Ties/Familienbande
ist aufgebaut.Ab jetzt bis zum 31.10.2015 kann man sie in der Sprachschule Ulysses,H-1111 Budapest,Bertalan Lajos u.17,nach Voranmeldung ,+36 70 210 99 78, besichtigen.
Die Ausstellung wurde bis zum 11.12.2015 verlängert!Am Freitag,11.Dezember findet ab 17h eine Finissage statt.
Exibition: Family Ties
Textile works from Susanne Kathi Trapp from the series "Ancestors Gallery"
August,30th-December,11thFinissage Friday,Dec.11th,5 p.m.
Ulysses Hungarian Language School
H-1111 Budapest
Bertalan Lajos u. 17
Tel.:+36 70 210 99 78 Visit by appointment
...only the past keeps changing...(Jewish proverb)
Die Ahnungengalerie in den Klassenzimmern |
The Ancestors Gallery in the class rooms |
1950 violinist on the Danub/Geigerin auf der Donau |
After my mother died I found two photo albums.There you see people looking serious and proud into the camera,joyful family celebrations.Rigid,frozen "important moments" in their individual lives, but also shots by chance.
These people,I guess,are relatives of mine.They are somehow strangers and somehow familiar at the same time.I don`t know much about them.I became curious about my own roots and the life within three generations.
1963 Tarragona |
1935 Kinderfasching,childrens carnival |
Schutz/protection |
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1904 Schneekind/snowchild |
Die Schulleiterin Agnes Szunyogh in ihrem Büro/the school leader in her office |
1940 Tirol |
I try to give space to memories and the course of history.All the people on the show get respect from me.I feel like to look at them,to touch them and put the works on the walls.
The pictures refer to the time between 1890-1980cca.They tell about times which affect our present too.
(deutsch :siehe post:Aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert.)
siehe auch/see,,
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